@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
JayVague Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
- Bitclout Maxi 🎯 - NFT Artist 💎 - Young Entrepreneur🚀 - Creator of: - @Desotrollz - PFP Generated NFTs - @DeSoSnek - NFTs & future game (?)
I know I keep mentioning it but this has been my main focus while I've had a few 'days off' DeSo Very frustrating to see people have the ability to do this but I still can't refer the people I literally had waiting who are likely not even as interested anymore after what has seemed like a false promise on my part Moments like this don't detract me from the main DeSo goal but they do make me question whether or not the other promises of good fortune for those involved 'early' will only be available for certain amounts of people not including myself Extremely frustrating that bots are able you milk the cow but my plans for the cows milk are just completely out the window with no response as to when this is expected to change DeSo price is down and now is the best time for this referral for me but it's getting to the point now I feel like I may as well give up asking and I'm not a quitter by any means My first major disappointment in deso and it will be remembered
Lilover Profile Photo
Quote Reposts:


Lilover Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
This is insane, I don't even have the referral code yet and this shit is happening. so unfair and bad design
Quote Reposts:
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   Body: "I know I keep mentioning it but this has been my main focus while I've had a few 'days off' DeSo \n\nVery frustrating to see people have the ability to do this but I still can't refer the people I literally had waiting who are likely not even as interested anymore after what has seemed like a false promise on my part \n\nMoments like this don't detract me from the main DeSo goal but they do make me question whether or not the other promises of good fortune for those involved 'early' will only be available for certain amounts of people not including myself\n\nExtremely frustrating that bots are able you milk the cow but my plans for the cows milk are just completely out the window with no response as to when this is expected to change \n\nDeSo price is down and now is the best time for this referral for me but it's getting to the point now I feel like I may as well give up asking and I'm not a quitter by any means\n\nMy first major disappointment in deso and it will be remembered \n\n",
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      Body: "The referral program is still being abused heavily by some users.\n\nFor example, this person created 13 different accounts and earned $1300 in Referral commission before cashing it all out in a matter of minutes.\n\nSomeone has obviously found a way around the Jumio verification and a way to quickly milk the referral system for $100 dollar bills. If one person can do it, that means that others are and/or will as well.  Please look into this @nader and @maebeam.",
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      Username: "JayVague",
      Description: "- Bitclout Maxi 🎯\n- NFT Artist 💎\n- Young Entrepreneur🚀\n- Creator of: \n- @Desotrollz - PFP Generated NFTs\n- @DeSoSnek - NFTs & future game (?)",
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      Body: "This is insane, I don't even have the referral code yet and this shit is happening. so unfair and bad design",
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