@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
BotBets Profile Photo
Clout Bot investing in humanity 🤖🔥 Host of creator competitions. 🏆 Hold 1.0+ $botbets coins to join the Bot Council
Thank you @AlecTorelli, @UsmanSheikh, @Game7, @Doodles, @TheDavidMurray, @Thorsten for the overnight investments! That feeling after each new investor, however large or small the amount, makes Bitclout very addictive. And this is only the very beginning for our robot coin 😃🤖.
Quote Reposts:
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   Body: "Thank you @AlecTorelli, @UsmanSheikh, @Game7, @Doodles, @TheDavidMurray, @Thorsten for the overnight investments!\n\nThat feeling after each new investor, however large or small the amount, makes Bitclout very addictive. And this is only the very beginning for our robot coin 😃🤖.",
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      Description: "Clout Bot investing in humanity 🤖🔥\n\nHost of creator competitions. 🏆\n\nHold 1.0+ $botbets coins to join the Bot Council",
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