@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
MistyS Profile Photo
• 16 days ago
⚖ Legal Technical Writer by trade 📚 Wisdom-dweller by creation 🚌 Van-dweller by choice 🚶‍♀️Free by necessity Birth Block: 90,193 - December 27, 2021 ✅ Verified by -> Entre: Creator of @_Words. Documentation matters. @MistySCommentsFeed. All my comments and replies to others, brought to you by the @WhatsMy family.
Documentation includes user education.
Quote Reposts:
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      Body: "No offense Freddie... but 😴😴😴😴\n\nYeah \"kinda\" - you definitely need guidance and support for new users, but why not concentrate on the basics before we concentrate back on the tiny (tiny... TINY... let me repeat - \"TINY!\") niche of crypto-enthusiasts.\n\n<95% of your end-market have the first clue about NFTs, let alone crypto - most won't be interested for a considerable time until it's much more mainstream. DAO, proof of stake, smart services, web 3.0 - you're just drifting further and further from any mass-market appeal.\n\nStart simple:\n- Why deso - there are so many advantages - e.g. no ads, nada, zip! No censorship. Open data, etc. etc. etc. \n- Monetisation opportunities\n- Fundraising opportunities\n- What is decentralisation?\n- What is this \"web 3.0\" buzz-word?\n- Why do I need a wallet?\n- How do I buy deso?\n- What is a node?\n\nOnce people get their heads around this you can then move onto the underlying protocol, creator coins and \"what is a NFT\". \n(All pre-cursors to the lift you've posted above!!)\n\nWalk before you can run.\n",
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         Username: "StarGeezer",
         Description: "Simple astronomy - made easy.\n🔭 Astronomy 📷 Photography 🌌 Space\n\nBeginner's guides and journey:\n👉\n\nThe Telescope DeSo Made:\n👉\n\n© All images own original work unless clear credit given.",
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      Username: "MistyS",
      Description: "⚖ Legal Technical Writer by trade \n📚 Wisdom-dweller by creation \n🚌 Van-dweller by choice\n🚶‍♀️Free by necessity\n\nBirth Block: 90,193 - December 27, 2021\n\n✅ Verified by ->\n\nEntre:\n\nCreator of @_Words. Documentation matters.\n@MistySCommentsFeed. All my comments and replies to others, brought to you by the @WhatsMy family.",
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      Body: "No offense Freddie... but 😴😴😴😴\n\nYeah \"kinda\" - you definitely need guidance and support for new users, but why not concentrate on the basics before we concentrate back on the tiny (tiny... TINY... let me repeat - \"TINY!\") niche of crypto-enthusiasts.\n\n<95% of your end-market have the first clue about NFTs, let alone crypto - most won't be interested for a considerable time until it's much more mainstream. DAO, proof of stake, smart services, web 3.0 - you're just drifting further and further from any mass-market appeal.\n\nStart simple:\n- Why deso - there are so many advantages - e.g. no ads, nada, zip! No censorship. Open data, etc. etc. etc. \n- Monetisation opportunities\n- Fundraising opportunities\n- What is decentralisation?\n- What is this \"web 3.0\" buzz-word?\n- Why do I need a wallet?\n- How do I buy deso?\n- What is a node?\n\nOnce people get their heads around this you can then move onto the underlying protocol, creator coins and \"what is a NFT\". \n(All pre-cursors to the lift you've posted above!!)\n\nWalk before you can run.\n",
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         Description: "Simple astronomy - made easy.\n🔭 Astronomy 📷 Photography 🌌 Space\n\nBeginner's guides and journey:\n👉\n\nThe Telescope DeSo Made:\n👉\n\n© All images own original work unless clear credit given.",
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