@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
Krassenstein Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Krassenstein Twins ✅ Co-Founder @NFTz ( & @CheckBitClout ✅ NFT Projects: @BitCloutKids & @NaderHeads Check out our NFT collection:
🤚 When you make a post on Diamondapp you are also making posts on over 15 other social media sites as well. 💎 When you mint an NFT on @NFTZ you are also minting an NFT on @Supernovas @polygram, @nftplace and many other sites. ✅ When you get a follow on that person is also following you on @giftclout @membercash @nachoaverage @love4src and a dozen other sites. DeSo multiplies your social outreach, potential sales and interactions unlike traditional Web 2.0 social platforms.
Sandirose Profile Photo thedoctor Profile Photo OlivierOzoux Profile Photo Sandirose Profile Photo Krassenstein Profile Photo Sandirose Profile Photo Krassenstein Profile Photo Sandirose Profile Photo mp3 Profile Photo Mubinsayyed Profile Photo Randhir Profile Photo Preciousm Profile Photo bitbets Profile Photo GlobalClout Profile Photo patrickassale Profile Photo slaynetwork Profile Photo CarlosAyala Profile Photo Majidayat Profile Photo AntiGuru Profile Photo Puranjay27 Profile Photo
Quote Reposts:


Sandirose Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
This is a huge selling feature of decentralized social media, in concept but my hope is that people start building diverse platforms in their application that attract new userbases directly because right now, I'm pretty sure it's all the same users across the existing nodes since they are so similar.
Quote Reposts:
thedoctor Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Sure thing. Glad I’m early but the wait is killing me!
Quote Reposts:
OlivierOzoux Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
It is currently 100% impossible to built anything other than variations on the same single social media feed on DeSo because there is only one feed. How do we change that?
Quote Reposts:
Sandirose Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
That's a very important question but we'll need someone much tech savvy to weigh in on that one. It is one of my concerns though with brining in a project I'm working with
Quote Reposts:
Krassenstein Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Yep. Agree 100%
Quote Reposts:
Sandirose Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
I'm hoping the Octane fund considers this as a criteria when choosing the project to support. I have a non-Deso related project that I've consulted on over the years and they are building a platform that I think could be a great fit to include a Deso layer so I shared info with them for evaluation yesterday.
Quote Reposts:
Krassenstein Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
I would love to se an equal amount spent to support established web properties integrating with Deso as spent on DeSo-centric projects.
Quote Reposts:
Sandirose Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Absolutely! Yes.
Quote Reposts:
mp3 Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
compound social interest
Quote Reposts:
Mubinsayyed Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Amazing 👍
Quote Reposts:
Randhir Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Great points, but with the follows, it is going to really blow up to the next level when you supplement/replace the ones you mentioned with diverse options: a Social eCommerce Site (maybe an improved version of @EverythingStore), a reddit equivalent (@Membercash), a Discord / Messenger equivalent, a LinkedIn equivalent, a @CloutFanz, an Instagram equivalent, an Upwork equivalent (@CreaTiers), an @afterparty and so on. And all of these platforms are also going to benefit. It's going to happen for sure. It's more a question of when not if.
Quote Reposts:
Preciousm Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Mind blowing
Quote Reposts:
bitbets Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
kind of, still making a post to the same 1100 people, not really multiplying social outreach if its the same people spread across a couple nodes
Quote Reposts:
GlobalClout Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Your post is now in Global Feed! 💎
Quote Reposts:
patrickassale Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Quote Reposts:
slaynetwork Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
good to know
Quote Reposts:
CarlosAyala Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
This is insightful information. Thank you.
Quote Reposts:
Majidayat Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
In my opinion, many copies of one thing are not very good. I suggest that make different workplaces such as online multiplayer games, streaming with $DESO, Retail and shopping that support $DESO are more helpful than have many copies of BitClout Social Network.
Quote Reposts:
AntiGuru Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
And that applies regardless of originating node, yes? I’m struggling to understand what the differentiation truly is between the nodes. AFAICT, it’s all the same people seeing the same stuff. Are there nodes that are genuinely focused? Or, will users be able to create topic-specific and/or closed groups?
Quote Reposts:
Puranjay27 Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
if anyone wants 100$ on signing up he/she can use my referral link
Quote Reposts:
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