@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
JoshuaCottrell Profile Photo
Artist - making pretty things 🤖 Creator: @CloBits 🤖 👨‍💻 Former startup guy. Did data+design projects for Google, Lego, Gatorade, Microsoft 🪲 My other weird art @BugAndGlass 🪲
Another Miami edition - the inside scoop! There are some great insights covered by @BitsTODAY in todays article. •• Here’s the Summary •• - there was a big drop in accounts created - only 671. But there was a huge spike in daily active accounts (up to 14k) which is probably related to Miami and the deflation bomb. - we saw another day with more sells than buys - ~$1.5M coins bought and ~$1.6M sold. - the most bought creators for the day were @reade, @RajLahoti, and @Lu1s - MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT - the deflation bomb is coming - that means the supply of $CLOUT won’t surpass ~11.5M coins which leaves lots of room for the value of the coin to grow - the deflation bomb announcement appears to have lead to a big uptick in the price of $CLOUT, particularly in OTC markets (which just means folks buying it outside of - @Cloutted released hashtags that work on - It’s not open to everyone yet but first impressions sound positive. It sounds like we should have hashtags soon. - @CharityClout donated packs of food to 50 families in Syrian refugees - paid for by their founders rewards There are lots of details in their article and stories from Miami, so give it a read!
Photo for Post
HorusLR Profile Photo
Quote Reposts:


HorusLR Profile Photo
305 🙌
Quote Reposts:
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   Body: "Another Miami edition - the inside scoop!\n\nThere are some great insights covered by @BitsTODAY in todays article.  \n\n•• Here’s the Summary ••\n\n- there was a big drop in accounts created - only 671. But there was a huge spike in daily active accounts (up to 14k) which is probably related to Miami and the deflation bomb. \n\n- we saw another day with more sells than buys - ~$1.5M coins bought and ~$1.6M sold. \n\n- the most bought creators for the day were @reade, @RajLahoti, and @Lu1s\n\n - MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT - the deflation bomb is coming - that means the supply of $CLOUT won’t surpass ~11.5M coins which leaves lots of room for the value of the coin to grow\n\n- the deflation bomb announcement appears to have lead to a big uptick in the price of $CLOUT, particularly in OTC markets (which just means folks buying it outside of \n\n- @Cloutted released hashtags that work on - It’s not open to everyone yet but first impressions sound positive. It sounds like we should have hashtags soon. \n\n- @CharityClout donated packs of food to 50 families in Syrian refugees - paid for by their founders rewards\n\nThere are lots of details in their article and stories from Miami, so give it a read! \n\n",
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      Body: "039. F.N.H.H 🍹. BitClout Miami forever on the blockchain.\n\nRead it here:\n\nMentioned: \n@CharityClout @Mixtape @NicoleK @cloutcon @Bitclout500 @Cloutted @ChetBLong @SirRhett @Clout_Cast @JakeUdell @Craig @Reade @Artz @MarioNawfal @ClayPerryMusic @wendyleigh @diamondhands @tijn @BitcloutOTC @cloutfeed @ScottCo",
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