@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
All_things_creative Profile Photo
All things creative It's all in the name Plus news and discussion Community builder ART NFTs Music coming soon @Boogeyman
I hear people say bitclout will one day replace instagram. Here are my thoughts let me know what you think. There will always be people who need and thrive off an instagram style platform - I believe we are a different breed of people. Bitclout and crypto/blockchain social media has a huge future however I don't see it replacing "traditional" social media platforms. I do think more and more people will be drawn to the decentralized nature, freedom of speech and generally more positive arena that platforms like bitclout provide. I appreciate the premise of value for value and being able to support and back creators through investment. You automatically become part of their sucess and growth. Which produces a more positive supportive nature in all of us.
Magic8Ball Profile Photo
Quote Reposts:


Magic8Ball Profile Photo
I agree. Many will flock in but there will always be those that want for something else.
Quote Reposts:
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