@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
efedoto Profile Photo
ELENA NI. NYC Founder of Model Educator. Activist Interior Designer. Pix/ NFT Artist Mom of 4 BITCLOUT DeSo WORLD & RUSSIAN HOUSE clubs
I just downloaded and started using the full version of the @cloutfeed. Goodness I was sick of not being able to post from my iPhone, now I finally can and glad to see some other cool features. Who else in our community is using cloutfeed? What do u think so far? Not worried about seed phrase which is requested in the beginning for using advanced version (not just-read version).? @marionawfal
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