@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
DeSocialWorld Profile Photo
• 3 months ago
Join us on 🌎 受欢迎的 🌎 स्वागत हैं 🌎se bienvenido 🌎 مرحبا بكم 🌎 স্বাগতম 🌎 Sois le bienvenu 🌎чувствуй себя как дома 🌎 seja bem-vindo 💙 We make it easy for all non-English speaking people to use DeSo 💙 We create a "home" for all non-English speaking people on DeSo 🔥 Read and reply to posts in your own language feed (12 languages) 🔥 Use the site in your language (English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Turkish) 🔥 Find DeSo friends from your own country 🔥 Find out which non-English languages are most used on DeSo 🔥 Create a long bio (in the My Profile section) 🔥 Create long posts & comments (5000 char.) 🔥 Give somebody up to 8 💎 🔥 See on which node a post was created Working on: 🚀 Translation of the site in many languages 🚀 Auto-translation of DeSo posts (🔥 PoC is already live) 🚀 And much more soon!! Team: @edokoevoet @erwinwillems @twanv @jeroenaalders
And it doesn’t matter which app they use. All the posts will show up here. Almost instantaneously
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