@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
AlexValaitis Profile Photo
• 16 days ago
Head of Strategy & Operations @ DeSo Foundation Tech Product Manager (Ex-LinkedIn,Intuit,Dell) Best-selling Author of 'Modern College'
As usual, @Krassenstein with some great thoughts here. Good news is that most of these are actively in progress by either the DeSo Foundation or other teams in the ecosystem: #1 - In progress. Hiring a dedicated person to lead Octane full time. Hoping to close in next week or so. A linking nodes, lot of early signs of synergy in the ecosystem. @salilsethi is a shining example of this. #2 - In progress. Convos happening mainly via inbound/one-offs currently. Have another candidate in the pipeline that could be focusing on this full-time as well.
AlexValaitis Profile Photo NowAndThen Profile Photo kuririn Profile Photo mashelenn Profile Photo
Quote Reposts:


AlexValaitis Profile Photo
• 16 days ago
#4 - On pause. I think this is a great idea but given some of the challenges we’ve had with the referral program we want to make sure we get it air-tight on next iteration. Which means clearing a few other things off the backlog first. #5 - In progress. Can’t say the what/when/who for now, but just know that they're coming & have potential to surpass even Bitclout in terms of virality. #6 - A really cool idea. Will have to think about this in more detail. Last point: Almost all of these things going to land around the same time. Calm before the storm.
Quote Reposts:
NowAndThen Profile Photo
• 15 days ago
There are some superheroes working hard to keep the community engaged. They need recognition and support, and they need it NOW. Search out your diamond-givers, and you’ll find them. The “core team” also needs to be demystified and humanized. (Who are the “we” you’re referring to?) Don’t know if you’ve heard this before: Instead of saying “but”, say “and.”
Quote Reposts:
kuririn Profile Photo
• 16 days ago
I love updates like this from you. ❤️ Keep doing it.
Quote Reposts:
mashelenn Profile Photo
• 16 days ago
Thank you for your feedback. We all want the same thing- for DeSo to be successful!
Quote Reposts:
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   Body: "As usual, @Krassenstein with some great thoughts here. Good news is that most of these are actively in progress by either the DeSo Foundation or other teams in the ecosystem:\n\n#1 - In progress. Hiring a dedicated person to lead Octane full time. Hoping to close in next week or so. \n\nA linking nodes, lot of early signs of synergy in the ecosystem. @salilsethi is a shining example of this.\n\n#2 - In progress. Convos happening mainly via inbound/one-offs currently. Have another candidate in the pipeline that could be focusing on this full-time as well.",
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      Body: "There is no doubt a need for a surge in Daily active users.  I think we can accomplish this with a multi-pronged approach which utilizes both the DeSo Foundation as well as node operators.  Here is what I'd do:\n\n🎯 #1 Continue to provide funding for new Deso apps which think \"outside the box\". In the process, continue to find ways to link nodes together and make it easy for users on one node to discover other nodes (A plugin that lists nodes by transaction volume that other nodes can quickly integrate onto their side bar or footer would do the trick).\n\n🎯 #2 Seek to attract integration from already established platforms.  This is how we quickly onboard the masses.  To do this, have a small team working for the foundation specialize in outreach, funding and integration.  Begin contacting platforms and projects which would benefit from integrating with Deso.  Pitch to them some of the reason why integration is a good idea (ie, instant ability to tip users, invest in creators, and  decentralize).  Also explain to them how integrating with a blockchain instantly makes you a hot project with the \"blockchain\" buzz that attracts VCs and funding.  Offer incentives via support and financial backing for those who integrate. Also offer support during the integration process.  @Entre is a good example of what can be done.  \n\n🎯 #3 Mass market to drive new users.  With hundreds of millions of dollar in their treasury, the Deso Foundation is very capable of spending big to acquire users.  They can take a 2-pronged approach to marketing: a) create Deso-centric advertising and blast it on television and the internet to markets which will be more likely to join.  b) Provide funding to pre-approved node operators for their own advertising budget, while providing support with marketing strategy.\n\n🎯 #4 Give back to the community.  Perhaps roll out a revamped referral program where new users receive $DeSo in a tiered setup.  $5 for signing up.  $20 for remaining active every day for a month.  $50 for remaining active every day for 2 months, etc.  This keeps the users around long enough for more traffic to build up. It also provides enough time for users to sniff out cheaters and report them to the Core team.  We only need 50,000-100,000 daily actives for things to begin to go viral and self-sustain in my opinion. \n\n🎯 #5 Do something crazy.  Create DAOs which will go viral and garner media attention.  The best publicity is free publicity, even if controversial. \n\n🎯 #6 Create a DeSo Dao funded by the Deso Foundation and provide Dao coins to the top 100-200 most active users since March.  Then fund that DAO with $1-3M. Each month allow the DAO coin holders to vote on the users who deserve airdrops of DeSo. This will reward the users who are providing the most value to the protocol.    \n\nIf all 6 of these strategies can launch at around the same time, I think we'd be in for quite a powerful round of user growth.  And this time, unlike in April, the ecosystem to keep them active is there.\n\n\nPosted via @cloutfeed",
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         Description: "Krassenstein Twins\n\n✅ Co-Founder @NFTz ( & @CheckBitClout\n✅ NFT Projects: @BitCloutKids & @NaderHeads\n\nCheck out our NFT collection:\n\n",
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      Description: "Head of Strategy & Operations @ DeSo Foundation\nTech Product Manager (Ex-LinkedIn,Intuit,Dell)\nBest-selling Author of 'Modern College'\n",
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      Body: "There is no doubt a need for a surge in Daily active users.  I think we can accomplish this with a multi-pronged approach which utilizes both the DeSo Foundation as well as node operators.  Here is what I'd do:\n\n🎯 #1 Continue to provide funding for new Deso apps which think \"outside the box\". In the process, continue to find ways to link nodes together and make it easy for users on one node to discover other nodes (A plugin that lists nodes by transaction volume that other nodes can quickly integrate onto their side bar or footer would do the trick).\n\n🎯 #2 Seek to attract integration from already established platforms.  This is how we quickly onboard the masses.  To do this, have a small team working for the foundation specialize in outreach, funding and integration.  Begin contacting platforms and projects which would benefit from integrating with Deso.  Pitch to them some of the reason why integration is a good idea (ie, instant ability to tip users, invest in creators, and  decentralize).  Also explain to them how integrating with a blockchain instantly makes you a hot project with the \"blockchain\" buzz that attracts VCs and funding.  Offer incentives via support and financial backing for those who integrate. Also offer support during the integration process.  @Entre is a good example of what can be done.  \n\n🎯 #3 Mass market to drive new users.  With hundreds of millions of dollar in their treasury, the Deso Foundation is very capable of spending big to acquire users.  They can take a 2-pronged approach to marketing: a) create Deso-centric advertising and blast it on television and the internet to markets which will be more likely to join.  b) Provide funding to pre-approved node operators for their own advertising budget, while providing support with marketing strategy.\n\n🎯 #4 Give back to the community.  Perhaps roll out a revamped referral program where new users receive $DeSo in a tiered setup.  $5 for signing up.  $20 for remaining active every day for a month.  $50 for remaining active every day for 2 months, etc.  This keeps the users around long enough for more traffic to build up. It also provides enough time for users to sniff out cheaters and report them to the Core team.  We only need 50,000-100,000 daily actives for things to begin to go viral and self-sustain in my opinion. \n\n🎯 #5 Do something crazy.  Create DAOs which will go viral and garner media attention.  The best publicity is free publicity, even if controversial. \n\n🎯 #6 Create a DeSo Dao funded by the Deso Foundation and provide Dao coins to the top 100-200 most active users since March.  Then fund that DAO with $1-3M. Each month allow the DAO coin holders to vote on the users who deserve airdrops of DeSo. This will reward the users who are providing the most value to the protocol.    \n\nIf all 6 of these strategies can launch at around the same time, I think we'd be in for quite a powerful round of user growth.  And this time, unlike in April, the ecosystem to keep them active is there.\n\n\nPosted via @cloutfeed",
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