@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
Oltion Profile Photo
• 3 months ago
DeSo early adopter, evangelist and maxi🚀🚀🚀 📌 - What I do 🧠 - Co-founder ✍️ - Blogging about DeSo 🇦🇱 - Online since 2004
DAU is not the problem at all! And why should more people here? Anything special for the average user? Definitely not the case! We see how some shitcoins without use case or purpose moon and DeSo with world changing use case keeps dropping. What we need is hype and some Marketing magic. Period.
Quote Reposts:
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   Body: "DAU is not the problem at all! And why should more people here? Anything special for the average user? Definitely not the case!\nWe see how some shitcoins without use case or purpose moon and DeSo with world changing use case keeps dropping.\nWhat we need is hype and some Marketing magic. Period.",
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      Body: "We need more DAU. \n\nWithout DAU, there is literally no *clear* incentive for people to post and interact (especially people with a following elsewhere). \n\nThat’s a big observation I’ve made today. \n\n@fastfreddie - any plans? Would love some more transparency on next steps here.",
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      Description: "DeSo early adopter, evangelist and maxi🚀🚀🚀\n📌 - What I do\n🧠 - Co-founder\n✍️ - Blogging about DeSo\n🇦🇱 - Online since 2004",
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