@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
Sigmund Profile Photo
BitClout OG (April 4th)
The deflation bomb ticks away. 5d 22h 22m Predictions for what happens when it drops. 1. BitClout is listed on at least one exchange 2. Price initially spikes and then slowly pulls back due to investors' off ramping. 3. OTC prices come up to match BitClout price at $160 - $180 4. Within 2 weeks from the bomb the price breaks $200. 5. End of 2021 BitClout is valued at $500 - $1000 These are just ideas and should not be taken as financial advice. Thoughts???
Photo for Post
EightyHD Profile Photo
Quote Reposts:


EightyHD Profile Photo
I would love to see this happen and your logic appears sound :)
Quote Reposts:
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   Body: "The deflation bomb ticks away.\n\n5d 22h 22m \n\nPredictions for what happens when it drops.\n\n1. BitClout is listed on at least one exchange\n2. Price initially spikes and then slowly pulls back due to investors' off ramping.\n3. OTC prices come up to match BitClout price at $160 - $180\n4. Within 2 weeks from the bomb the price breaks $200.\n5. End of 2021 BitClout is valued at $500 - $1000\n\nThese are just ideas and should not be taken as financial advice.\n\nThoughts???\n",
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