@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
MonicaRizzolli Profile Photo
drawing programming NFT textiles type patterns botany travel wine food - a bit of everything I love it's not just a nft it's history
šŸ· Five years ago, I was somewhere in Big Sur, during my road trip with my dear colleague Fernanda. šŸ· We drank a lot of zinfandel, one of my favorite grapes, and Napa Valley white wine. šŸ· I don't remember any memorable food. But we had fun at the roadside motels and beaches along the way. šŸ· We knew the entire coast, from San Diego to Salsalito, this is a good memory! šŸ· I hope the lockdown ends soon. I want to travel again.
Photo for Post
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