@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
scottcents Profile Photo
• 4 months ago
Loves hearing "that's impossible" then making it possible. Building on DeSo since April 04, 2021. 🛠️ @TheFaucet 🛠️ @BuiltOnDeSo 🛠️ @Threadify (and others)
It won't do it, but if I see $DESO touching $75 USD again I'm ready to buy the dip!
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   Body: "It won't do it, but if I see $DESO touching $75 USD again I'm ready to buy the dip!",
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      Description: "Loves hearing \"that's impossible\" then making it possible.\n\nBuilding on DeSo since April 04, 2021.\n\n🛠️ @TheFaucet\n🛠️ @BuiltOnDeSo\n🛠️ @Threadify (and others)\n",
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