@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, Former Camgirl
aka @kitty4Do, $kitty4d
seemseemo Profile Photo
• 1 month ago
7.77% FR director/producer/video editor IG|@maseemo Latest work: paypal:
I really hope bitclout continues to grow and gain success. The amount of creative ideas that are possible are limitless. Sooo much cooler than the confines of mainstream (centralized) social media. I just hope it can overtake the “big dogs”. I mean..c’mon..after whistle blower came out that said FB was aware of the negative effects on children - why are we not marching to Facebook HQ demanding the removal of Mr Zuckerberg?
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   Body: "I really hope bitclout continues to grow and gain success. The amount of creative ideas that are possible are limitless. Sooo much cooler than the confines of mainstream (centralized) social media. \n\nI just hope it can overtake the “big dogs”. \n\nI mean..c’mon..after whistle blower came out that said FB was aware of the negative effects on children - why are we not marching to Facebook HQ demanding the removal of Mr Zuckerberg?",
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