@Kitty4D on the B-Chain
just my adventures with the blockchain, web3, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
Developer, Content Creator, NFT Hodler, Degen, Former Camgirl
aka @Kitty4DHD, @kitty4Do, $kitty4d

Kitty4D's On-the-Blockchain Posts

all posts by kitty4d (including BHolesOnTheBChain and more) made on blockchains!

this is every post I have made on the DESO blockchain (not comment, but I would love to do that at some point) - whether at diamondApp, BitClout, GemStori,, Stori, or other, this should cover all of them. (those yet-to-be-relased last two, it should be true but not 100% sure) note that i have 2 accounts mixed in here, my account and then my alt, BHolesOnTheBChain. i will have my HIVE blockchain posts hosted here soon as well.

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